Production Park
27 July 2023

Virtual Production Live: A seven day R&D project

Production for the film and screen industry can be a lengthy process, with sets often taking weeks to build. Today, we completed an ambitious R&D project to integrate technology and workflows to see how we can improve efficiencies and capabilities in this area.

Drawing on the whole Production Park ecosystem, together XPLOR, 4Wall, TAIT, disguise and Blitz, used advanced technology and expertise to design, construct, create, test, visualise and de-rig an entire large-scale virtual production set – within seven days.

Our collective production experience enabled us to use a live ‘at scale, at pace’ approach to create an entire advanced production studio to the highest specification, at a scale of 20,000 sqft.

This project is a celebration of the innovation, expertise and ambition of the Production Park community – we’ll be sharing more details, including the challenges and opportunities this project is opening up for the world of entertainment production. And this is only the beginning. There will be very exciting developments in the near future... watch this space.

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